Monthly Archives: December 2015
A summer festival in the British Isles.
A summer festival in the British Isles. We are on the Wickerman summer festival site. It could one of the many held all over these British isles People throwing litter eyes open bright as head lights. A constant hum of generators and diesel … Continue reading
Short poem Saturday Morning – In my nature
In my nature It’s in my nature to be childish, selfish, brutish to live. It’s in my nature to be kind, nourish, helpful and give. I like to barta with no good reason other than it pleased me that I … Continue reading
What’s the best thing about being an artist – 393 word poem
What’s the best thing about being an artist? Is it you think you get to do whatever you like! As easy as that may sound we simply create a torture for ourselves during the imagination process that can cause artist … Continue reading
Belgium – a long weekend (Finale-part three) Brussels.
During the last 24 hours or so there has been mass killing in Paris, suicide bombs in Beirut killing many and Al Shabab kill 147 in Kenya, Africa. Mass insanity, all of which, the people committing these atrocities would pass … Continue reading
Acupuncture, add a little zen enhanced my creative flow tenfold
So my compulsion to write increases with every day with a void created by not drinking alcohol, my acupuncture treatment and with a good dose of a zen life coaching course this weekend I have felt the urge to write even … Continue reading