Refugee week and festivities

Refugee week is coming and there is a lot going on here across the Greater Manchester.

We went to Bristol to take part in the Community Theatre Festival #Actatheatre, 2016. Our show  is being supported by #CAN, Community Arts North West and it’s a project for refugee women. We are a group of 7 women from different countries and we shared our stories during a few workshops held in Manchester city centre.  The director Rany Morthy made them into the script and gave us instructions on how to act.

Our first performance was a bit of a shock to me as it was my first time being on stage and I could hear the sound of my heartbeat in my ears. I kept telling myself that this is just fun and try to enjoy it. Audience was incredible and they really supported us to towards the end.

I also had a chance to see other shows and meet fantastic Caribbean women and their show Nights which was one of the best performances I have seen. They filled us with  joy and laughter for more than one hour and they acted so naturally and authentically.

The next show was a street performance by two incredible women from London. There were some other shows to watch but we had to come hack to Manchester, getting ready for our next performance which is going to be in Z-Arts on 22th of June.   

The whole process was fun and for me kind of therapy to relieve myself from bad experiences I have had during the last few years.

To book for the show click here



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