Video Showreel & one in a festival


Hello universe 🙂

My short documentary that I made with my friend Marcela Hervia is showing in Kino Festival in Manchester that feels great. (Wed 28th at Three Minutes Theatre 7 p.m)

I would like to raise the awareness by showing to more people and it’s just the start to hopefully end the homelessness in Manchester by looking after them and helping them. I will write about it more after the festival.

And also I made a showreel from my video works from 2011 till now that is available in the link below:

A Few Questions, My New Short Film about homeless issue in Manchester


It was 3 weeks a go that an image the same as this image at the top hit me badly. It was early in the morning and as usual I was sitting at the second floor of the bus, listening to music, looking at outside.

The junction where it goes to Portland Street a tall man was sleeping beside the wall and the people were passing by with their coffee in hands looking great to go to work and like they are not seeing anything. It hurt … It hurt my heart … As bad as I wanted to scream.

I wanted to scream that “People this is a first world class country. I did not grew up here so I totally understand a differentiation between a situation in a developing country when they don’t care in a obvious way and a first world country where shout about how Human rights are important. I understand it because I lived it so this image is not acceptable for me. In here, Manchester, United Kingdom and mainly because this city and as a resident is important to me to have the image it deserve.”

That image did not leave me and it gets worst when the more asked me if I have any cash. I had rough times in my life too and I knew sometimes you caught in a position that you need help.

So finally last week with the help of my good friend Marcela Hervia we made a short film about the homeless issue in Manchester that is getting worse with the main mission to wake people up. So please watch and Share:

And Autumn Time


Hello Universe!

Autumn time is near and pretty much change in my life plan.

As far as I expected my summer to be good and getting ready to go to uni, Student loan giving me a hard time, first by approving and then reducing by assessing me wrong when I never had any student loan, then when I try to explain the situation it got to zero. YUP that easy …

And now the university is going to start in a few days and this is all about money …

This is sad that you got your place at being successful but because you are poor you need the student loan because it’s so expensive and even though you are entitle you get it, you got assessed wrong because you grew up in an other country …?!!! and the law shows you can get it but after trying to explain they decide to not giving it to you till the rest of your life! …

Seriously I just really want to tell my story to show what i went through in just two month

I will write about it more … This situation is so unfair and I had a difficult and stressful time … anyway this time shall pass ….

Any way I am happy I still have friends to support me and special ones that does not leave me that I really do appreciate. I will work and save money and will continue my education but I can’t forget about this unfair situation that is just a fundamental misunderstanding and I expected their system to at least understand an other country’s school system … and note assessing wrong when I never had student loan …

Ahhhhh I can write a book about it and in a right  I sure will fully write about it because the only hurtful matter is that it’s just so unfair and I wish in a world of online application I could face to face speak like a human being.

YUP this situation shall pass and as an Artist my job is to transfer this story in an Art work and I will …

My autumn begin with more career ambitions to follow and I am feeling great.

I had a very nice autumn shopping and I want to put all the stress and hard times SFE and SLC caused me in summer to hold and I will start my autumn with my appreciation to God for everything I have now …

I know I was so excited for the uni but the uni will regret not having me because I am on my research, works and successes that got me the place and the fact that I can’t afford uni for now won’t affect my talent or my goals that I set few years a go.

My story will be told and I am looking forward to the new opportunities in beautiful autumn that I am sure is GREAT  🙂

Summer Time Is Near …

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Hello Universe!

Summer is near … 🙂

When sometime has passed is so hard to start to write about what is going on in my life specially when it’s just too much!

The good news is most of it is good news! …. and now I am repeating myself, I meant is good news.

I decided to study animation and starting university again … but with a package of “Directing Theatre” Associate Degree and “Digital Visual Artist” experience.

So all fantastic at the moment.

Still my housing is an issue but now that I know I want to start life at university from September I will live near city centre, by the way I have an appointment tomorrow and I hope I get more settle so I can do better in my job interview!

About job interview, I had one in M&S clothing. They did a role play, 5 minutes to read through 4 pages of foods with ALL details plus three pages of the role when I applied for a clothing store and they ask me to fully serve a customer in 10 minutes !!! And It was my FIRST experience about food???? And I applied for clothing branch …

To be honest I can’t stop thinking about it and I will call them this week to just give them my feed back that how fair is it if I ask them to edit with AE and they have only 10 minutes … how do they will feel and how fair is to ask someone to do the WHOLE job in 10 minutes?!

Let’s end the complaining and looking forward to something that called “Lab Project” and I have to make them understand a roof top of my head is more necessary than doing some self confidence workshop when I am working on a workshop to finish a video?!

YUP mission for tomorrow to getting up early, getting the 11A at 9 a.m towards new places experience …

P.S I can’t think of eating Mc Donald AGAIN but what choice do I have, that’s what I can afford with no job when M&S expect you to serve customer with butternut in their clothing branch and “Lab Project” will listen to you with drama and you think of a roof after years of serving universe … I deserve a roof … universe … don’t you think!

more P.S I did a good planning to what make me happy and hope it works!

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My official website

Hi Everyone,

Click on the image below and it take you to my official website  🙂


So basically I finished two projects at Community Arts Northwest (CAN) that was one of the greatest experience and opportunities I could have as a Digital Artists/Animator. Beside finishing the production of my first test animation based on my research and Japanese Mythology that was an amazing success for me.

Do I.T. that was a digital media course and “Rule 35” a project and performance based on the detention system in UK specially Yarl’swood.

And both were so successful and made me proud being a part of these great projects and meeting new people and getting more on track in my professional life.

So looking forward to expand my research plus new opportunities and new beginnings universe  😉

My latest video



Hello Universe!

The brochure above is the latest project that I am on as an digital Artist and its called “Rule 35” by CAN (Community Arts North West Manchester)

The promo video I produced is just below  🙂

And I just need a bit rest in whole my life and plan to do some thing for my website not just this blog and bunch of update. But at last I am posting in these busy days of my life having adventure as I call them “placeless memories” that is so relatable to my situation. (And I just made up an English word from relate and yes let’s say relatable  🙂  )

I am doing good in my Korean studying and I am proud universe, I am proud that I can speak, read and write in Korean, just got the intermediate level but my research and my passion for Far East of Asia is on. As it is the only thing that left in my life  :l

beside the second year of Japanese and reading and writing …. That’s … let’s change the subject “How are you ddoooin universe?” (with the Joe accent of series of friends)

YUP I’m on that too … After I sort most of my life out I am excited for a surprise interview that I will reveal later … It’s a SURPRISE  🙂


Asia Art Archive 🙂

An other Stop Motion Animation


Happy New Year Universe!

It’s been a great year 2014 beside all the problems that I don’t want to go on my year review AT ALL, I am alive and healthy!

What’s better than that  🙂  is actually my new stop motion animation for second year of DO I.T. course at CAN (Community Art Northwest) in Manchester that i finished last year and it’s online.

And greater news is that it will be shown in Motion North that is a cool event to show case motion design and animation works but in a professional level and mine there is an unexplainable feeling.

I know I am still learning as a trainee in animation and graphic design but it means a lot to me and I will work on better animations in the future soon.

and here you go with its video:

Let’s go to P.S of the life:


Beside being sick in the holidays and missing Christmas lunch that became an other tragic story on the top of all the tragic stories of my life, I am out of my studying schedule that need a good planning and I am in a “Ookey, let’s begin” mode that you still didn’t fo the first step and a good planning.

because when ehat is left and stays for you to survive protect it and … I have no idea what I just wrote but that means I have to survive some how .. in life … yeah …

Wish everyone an amazing 2015 with lots of good GOOD news

Amaterasu animation video


HELLO Universe

The video of Amaterasu is online and the link is below:

This experience was an amazing journey specially because it was the first visual step of my research.

This journey helped me meet new people and I met one of my good friends and colleagues Katrina who is a great illustrator.

Beside my BUSY year and specially this last month I am proud of my 2014 with all ups and downs.

I am looking forward to 2015 and I need to do a big plan for a new website, put everything in place and take the higher professional step to work on bigger projects.

I will update soon with my new research and study schedule that will be my priority for next year beside 2 big projects “Rule 35” and “Do I.T.”

There is a short film that I have to do at the beginning of 2015 and I am hoping to do a good time organizing and reaching all the targets in Spring 2015.

Because it’s regarding my research too and kind a 2015 is pulling everything from my research together.

So, Ohhhh! I wanted to write Merry Christmas and I remember in Do I.T we did some Christmas cards for our selves to set our goals and I forgot to put Merry Christmas for myself … YUP the sign of busier 2015 but all for good #Optimisticgirl  🙂

I have to continue bringing back my events and projects from FCPX that had been updated and God thanks for everything!


Animation Project finish point …

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Konnichiwa Universe …!

So Finally the Amaterasu animation project about the lovely deity of the sun finished.

Had the meeting yesterday and it got the road for the future and hopefully movies.

Again thanks to amazing Yuko and my amazing work place CAN 🙂

There is lots to do now to focus every thing, beside one of the animations that i animated a heart and it looks SO natural and I am so happy about.

My study schedule doesn’t look really good and it really needs time and working that I couldn’t do enough these days.

It’s not that bad but from my point of view am I satisfied? … NOPE. and that’s the thing.

I need work as much as I am satisfied and I need more planning.

but in the mean time it’s a pause and breathe that will help whole the thing.


I have to finish this post soon, need to get home early and I really like productive days.

So yes it’s done by me but the story of JPN mythology just began.

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Productive Japan Day


Hello to the universe and all the creatures inside!

By the changes that comes up for “Goddess of the sun, Amaterasu” Next week is taking to completing in CAN and it’s all for good.

Finishing the second year of my Japanese course till the end of November and passing by 85 out of 100 for the one before the main exam is a ” You are AWESOME” to my forehead.

I finished a draft video for the graphic and animation works I want to do for Heart’s core and it made me being on track and I felt SO good on Friday.

The week a head gonna be super busy too but all good and productive and I am getting good skills in the tech course in contact theater that was again a better point to the projects I am working on.

And the website and focusing the works is again a priority.

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The meeting today with Yuko Howes the amazing Japanese lady from JSNW (Japanese Society of North West) was made me think of I forgot to add the photo of Japan Day!

So The Japan Day in Manchester was on 25th of August 2014 with lots different activities from showing martial arts to the costume contest mostly from animation and manga characters and information about the Japanese art (like craft and paintings and etc.) and culture.

And Yuko invited me being as the guest of fantastic tea ceremony of Japan and I absolutely LOVED it.

The adventure was cool and the venue “Midland Hotel” was great, and I think bigger venue was even better because LOTS of people came and yeah! … it was full with people who were interested in Japan and it made me super happy  🙂

Here are some photos:

And finally me as a Japanese warrior … Kind a … ^_^
