Hello Universe!
The brochure above is the latest project that I am on as an digital Artist and its called “Rule 35” by CAN (Community Arts North West Manchester)
The promo video I produced is just below 🙂
And I just need a bit rest in whole my life and plan to do some thing for my website not just this blog and bunch of update. But at last I am posting in these busy days of my life having adventure as I call them “placeless memories” that is so relatable to my situation. (And I just made up an English word from relate and yes let’s say relatable 🙂 )
I am doing good in my Korean studying and I am proud universe, I am proud that I can speak, read and write in Korean, just got the intermediate level but my research and my passion for Far East of Asia is on. As it is the only thing that left in my life :l
beside the second year of Japanese and reading and writing …. That’s … let’s change the subject “How are you ddoooin universe?” (with the Joe accent of series of friends)
YUP I’m on that too … After I sort most of my life out I am excited for a surprise interview that I will reveal later … It’s a SURPRISE 🙂

Asia Art Archive 🙂