Archive for “Do it” Storify

My First stop motion video, Introducing my Research :)


My first stop motion video is on line now.

The video introducing artists in Do I.T. project by Community Arts North West and of course introducing me and my research and I am so excited about.

Have a big performance tomorrow beside my other works and videos with “Young Producers” that are on line too and will write more soon.



The pen of creation

Chinese Writing Calligraphy Background

“The pen of creation” is about Artistic creations based on the far East of Asia.

History of the creations that is forgotten from thousands of years.

From China, Japan, Korea, etc . . .

This blog started by the amazing “DO IT” project in Manchester by Community Art Northwest.

The link of the storify is below:

Please visit “Do it project”at the top too.


Mahboobeh Rajabi






“Do it” project event, one week to go :)


Only one week to go for amazing “Do it” project from CAN (Community Art Northwest) Manchester 2013.

The storify updated . . .  YES!

So check the link below:

Do it project Storify

Only one week to go everyone . . . only ONE WEEK …





Storify of “Do it” project


Hey friends

Have a look at the do it project storify.

It took me hours so yeah check it NOW.

So check the: