This blog started from “Do it” project @ CAN (Community Art Northwest) Manchester.
And this post is about thinking of the project for the end of the course.
I got to know about Manchester blogs from this project and what is more greater than have a blog from and in your city.
Thank you Mick, Sarah and Tommy
So now I am thinking a lot about the project and how could it be. There are so many ideas in the internet and thinking about something unique and good that can get attentions is like start brushing a rock hoping to do a fantastic sculpture. But there is an other ways like finding a tool to shape the rock or something rather than rock to do a sculpture.
Honestly I have no idea how I come up with that example! but yeah it is like that.
P.S: I love my new desktop background. That green and warm and seems I sat beside that lovely window. (yes it has a window ^_^)