The Count Down Started to MIF:
So it’s only 2 days left to the opening of the biggest festival in Manchester which is ‘Manchester International Festival’ and follow up my previous posts, I am proud to be the Jerwood Creative Fellow for the MIF 2017 with other 5 amazing Artists that I introduced in my previous post.
My commission to work with is ‘Party Skills for the End of the World’.
The intense 3 weeks of rehearsals was SUPER CREATIVE and exhausting and the team is on the work full days, which is the spirit of these form of theatre. The most interesting parts for me see the full process of choosing the building few month a go and checking it out with the team to see all those design meetings and work coming to live up to now.
The decision processes on which skills to use and the making process was one of the highlights on my observation. Beside that, as always, the process on working with the actors to bring the idea to life, was really interesting.
I look at the methods, the minutes on letting the actors find the reaction and look at the reason why they are doing those acts in different scenes. I look at the communication between the design team and production and what is interesting in between for me, it’s the connection between performers and design makers and understanding the atmosphere that is getting created in the building, which is ‘The End of The World’ and we are having a PARTY!
It’s kind a post-post Modernism and the understanding in symbolism is an essential when you are making an ABSTRACT form of theatre. In cases like ‘Party Skills’ you are also having participants and you have a a duty to also make them understand what you are making as a theatre maker.
My personal and professional way of work is always making sure that the actors I am working with, understand the theme and the ‘NOT REALITY’ nature and core in the work but mixing with REAL actions, so I always make sure of that and I always use of symbolism example. I am also always really interested to get the actor observation whcih always add to the co-creation process.
I have to say it was less of the actors observation on the work but still the co-creation process is hugely interesting with such a big team of also participants that are not performers. It might be scary for some theatre makers but definitely not for me and Louise and Nigel. I believe it’s our connection and why I am partying the end of the world with them.
I can see how the participants is enjoying the theme and that shows a power point on this show that it’s working. The energy in performers is also shows that YES the show is ready because now they know it’s time to PARTY at the end of the World.
I believe the confidence in knowing of ‘what your message will be’ is the key and you also need to transfer it to your team, so I believe this is the challenge to see how far you can bring in it on table and feed your team of your ideas.
The rehearsals makes these harmony happen and my experience with the rehearsals was to see this harmony and how is going in a right direction.
I have to say some of the decision process was totally different from my point of view as a theatre maker and some of them is my challenges. I see it as a strong point of my fellowship to also going back on my decisions and looking at my method.
I did not enjoy just doing observations and being quiet but it goes back to the intense rehearsal and understanding the situation. I should not forget the big scale of the project and because I was always involve in same projects with big number of participants, I understand this time which is important to use the best of it.
I believe I can bring positive suggestion on creating more space, involvement and communication with the commission teams in the fellowship for next years in my feedback, but so far the opportunity is what we needed in Manchester in order to make the connection to the festival. It also helped us, at the same time, taking our methods and decisions in to consideration. I strongly believe that being a part of my commission made me believing more on my practice and also what I learned will have a huge positive impact on my future works.
The network and connection between the projects and local Artists and communities shows that this decision of fellowship is going on a very positive direction and I am sure we, as Jerwood creative Fellows, can take it to higher level with our feedback and experience. I look forward to meet the team soon.
It’s okay for today because I can’t wait for the opening and the shows to begin and I will write about them all.
I am ready and my preparation is staring on my own commission: ‘Party Skills for the End of the World’: