Second Documentary & New Animation


Second Documentary

Helllow universe

I finally finished the second documentary with my good friend and writer Marcela Hervia about the homeless issue in Manchester. (About 3 weeks a go but haven’t got time to blog!) When me and Marcela finished the first video it wasn’t any news about any good shelter for them but now there are news that empty buildings will be open for them so hopefully the promises are genuine and we won’t see anyone sleeping rough in this cold winter.

The main thing for me that kept me thinking A LOT is seeing young people on the streets that is not good for the future of a city because those young people are the future. In any situation they need help and direction and I hope they will be taken seriously to be out of the streets and get their lives back.

I don’t know why being homeless became a badge and the forever dark at the end of the tunnel when as a human we know life has ups and downs and everybody deserve help and chances to live as long as they are breathing.

I will write about it soon but … yeah … it just broke my heart watching people living in the streets in the Manchester and as it gets worst from more than 5 years a go till now.

I also made a short comedy animation from one of my short pieces at Commonword Identity writing workshop.

It will be screened at CAN‘s “Community Spirit” event at Mad lab and in Filmonik at old corner house (MMU) and I will upload in youtube soon.

I just invite everyone to watch my documentary just below and let’s not think about the BUSY schedule before Christmas and … yeah I’m fine and I will write about it soon.