Archive for January 2015

An other Stop Motion Animation


Happy New Year Universe!

It’s been a great year 2014 beside all the problems that I don’t want to go on my year review AT ALL, I am alive and healthy!

What’s better than that  🙂  is actually my new stop motion animation for second year of DO I.T. course at CAN (Community Art Northwest) in Manchester that i finished last year and it’s online.

And greater news is that it will be shown in Motion North that is a cool event to show case motion design and animation works but in a professional level and mine there is an unexplainable feeling.

I know I am still learning as a trainee in animation and graphic design but it means a lot to me and I will work on better animations in the future soon.

and here you go with its video:

Let’s go to P.S of the life:


Beside being sick in the holidays and missing Christmas lunch that became an other tragic story on the top of all the tragic stories of my life, I am out of my studying schedule that need a good planning and I am in a “Ookey, let’s begin” mode that you still didn’t fo the first step and a good planning.

because when ehat is left and stays for you to survive protect it and … I have no idea what I just wrote but that means I have to survive some how .. in life … yeah …

Wish everyone an amazing 2015 with lots of good GOOD news