Archive for August 2014

Now Kojiki gets the motion

water japan shrine 1800x1200 wallpaper_www.artwallpaperhi.com_52


So, the animation project slightly changed and I changed the whole script.

For good of course …

And again I felt Anged (my word for the feeling between angry and sad ) of the lack of resources regarding some amazing mythology and the wrong information.

So as I LOVE adventure and research TOTALLY & COMPLETELY, in my meeting with JSNW and the help of my good Japanese friend I get in to depth some of the stories, mythology and folklore.

And the result became a part of Kojiki 🙂

Me and Katrina worked really well on Thursday and made the 80% of material and puppets ready to shoot.

Hopefully by Next week Tanuki will be ready and we will start getting the shots

hash tag exciting 🙂

Japanese Myth Stop Motion animation



こんにちわ Konnichiwa Every one!

I am back from the holiday and will start the script of a new stop motion animation project

based on Japanese myth … SO INTERESTING … Just what I LOVE to do

I am doing it with a fantastic friend Katrina who is a great illustrator and character designer.

We studied some of the famous myth and folklore and we came up with three that made our project.

Katrina designed cool characters and this week is me and the script.

This is the link to Katrina’s blog and the post about our project and some photos

CAN & Petrus Working diary 7

I just keep the excitement for now and will post photos later
