Adventures of… writing

Ruf is an avid adventurer / metaphysical explorer whom takes himself and others to places that other guide’s don’t reach! Special hidden places, ley lines, crop circles, stone circles, magical caves, mystical mountains and especially forests all figure high on the destination list.

I occassionally take my magical dragonfly van on little trips to inspire my people’s poet tree and to give myself and others a break from the city and to refind their inner nature.

I keep myself firmly grounded to the stones circles (not faked), the crop circles (some faked, most not) that dot this triangular island’s sacred leys, whispering the future/past knowledge of our ancients. Although I also like to climb to steady heights and admire the views,

It’s good and healthy to have a wide view of the scene, when half the population seems to be busy bee’s too damn busy watching screens. Hold on – there is as poem in there!!

Through the journeys we take in life we constantly transform ourselves and those around us in a constant state of evolution.

Q.1 What are we going to change into today?

Q.2 Where are we going?

Q.3 Are we there yet?